Personal growth goals from some very wise women

My “Living Well” psychotherapy group members are very hard-working, insightful women who also have mood disorders.  We have focused in the last 2 months on getting to know ourselves and each other in a deep, clear-eyed way through art and journaling.  This week they came up with this wonderful list of areas for growth, and they are happy to share it with you.

  • Build a positive, supportive community of people to share their lives with.
  • Actively improve their lives by doing more of the things that bring them joy.
  • Engage in useful, meaningful work or activities such as helping others.
  • Emotional growth–be  less reactive, less defensive, less judgmental; don’t take things personally.
  • Become financially stable.
  • Improve self-care–physical, mental and spiritual.
  • Be authentic by practicing self-acceptance, self-assurance, and experience the attractiveness of being real and comfortable in your own skin.